How To Find The Seed Of A Minecraft Server Aternos? How To Find The Seed Of A Minecraft Server Java? I have got some of the most useful methods to download seeds In the game that you can use and build your dream world in an instant. The Internet is magic well and if searched meticulously it can get you every solution that you need. But there are methods and tricks to get the Seed from any server or any edition of the game Some are single-player, some are multiplayer and if you have access to them, then only you can really download the seed. If you’re playing Minecraft for a good amount of time then you must be knowing about the seeds in Minecraft and what they are used for. Games are usually played on different modes and systems. Otherwise, you can download the World Downloader Mod if you want to play it privately. This works if you’re the admin of your world. To find the seed of a Minecraft Server, download and copy the Minecraft world file and paste it into your private folder. But do you know how to find the seed of a Minecraft server? Different Minecraft worlds are generated by seeds, which are numerical commands. You can build various sorts of buildings, parks, playgrounds instantly. Minecraft seeds let you mine and craft at the same time. Finding a seed in Minecraft is a difficult task.